Dependencies | Description |
next | The Next.JS Framework |
react | JavaScript library for building user interfaces. |
react-dom | React package for working with the DOM. |
daisyui | Tailwind CSS Components |
typescript | Language for application scale JavaScript development |
Dependencies | Description |
@googlemaps/react-wrapper | It's a wrapper for google map (in react) |
@iconify/react | React wrapper for iconify icons |
@iconify/icons-lucide | Lucide icon provider for iconify icon |
input-otp | React component for otp input (in current use case we using in auth verification) |
lottie-web | Animated json images web component |
lord-icon-element | It is web component wrapper of lottie for react |
nextjs-toploader | Top loading indicator for next.js (It will see, when changing page and initial load of website) |
react-apexcharts | React component for ApexCharts |
react-svg-worldmap | React component wrapper for worldmap (svg) |
simplebar-react | React component for simplebar |
sonner | Toast component for react |
styled-components | Write actual css into js |
Dependencies | Description |
filepond | React component for File upload |
react-filepond | React component wrapper for filepond |
filepond-plugin-image-preview | Image preview plugin for filepond, to see preview when click on image (uploaded) |
react-quill | React component wrapper for Quill Editor |
react-hook-form | Form utility hook (use it for validation) |
@hookform/resolvers | It provide form validation resolver to validate data comes form forms |
zod | Schema validation for form |
Dependencies | Description |
framer-motion | Make complex animation done with framer motion (in js) |
next-themes | Theme changing provider for next.js |
simplebar | Custom scrollbar for vanilla javascript |
clsx | Utility for constructing `className` strings conditionally. |
tailwind-merge | Merge Tailwind CSS classes without style conflicts. |
dayjs | Day utilities alternative to moment.js |
Dependencies | Description |
@types/** | Typescript types for other dependencies |
tailwindcss | utility-first CSS framework |
postcss | Post processor for tailwindcss |
postcss-import | It can import other css in css |
postcss-nesting | Nesting css processor |
@tailwindcss/nesting | It is use for nesting css (in postcss) |
prettier | Code formatter |
prettier-plugin-tailwindcss | Class sorting for tailwindcss (+ prettier) |
@trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports | Import sorting in specific order (+ prettier) |
eslint | Linting for javascript |
eslint-config-next | Predefine next.js configuration for eslint |
eslint-plugin-tailwindcss | Predefine tailwindcss configuration for eslint |
Dependencies | Description |
react | JavaScript library for building user interfaces. |
react-dom | React package for working with the DOM. |
daisyui | Tailwind CSS Components |
typescript | Language for application scale JavaScript development |
Dependencies | Description |
@googlemaps/react-wrapper | It's a wrapper for google map (in react) |
@iconify/react | React wrapper for iconify icons |
@iconify/icons-lucide | Lucide icon provider for iconify icon |
input-otp | React component for otp input (in current use case we using in auth verification) |
lottie-web | Animated json images web component |
lord-icon-element | It is web component wrapper of lottie for react |
react-apexcharts | React component for ApexCharts |
react-svg-worldmap | React component wrapper for worldmap (svg) |
simplebar-react | React component for simplebar |
sonner | Toast component for react |
styled-components | Write actual css into js |
Dependencies | Description |
filepond | React component for File upload |
react-filepond | React component wrapper for filepond |
filepond-plugin-image-preview | Image preview plugin for filepond, to see preview when click on image (uploaded) |
react-quill | React component wrapper for Quill Editor |
react-hook-form | Form utility hook (use it for validation) |
@hookform/resolvers | It provide form validation resolver to validate data comes form forms |
zod | Schema validation for form |
Dependencies | Description |
framer-motion | Make complex animation done with framer motion (in js) |
next-themes | Theme changing provider for next.js |
simplebar | Custom scrollbar for vanilla javascript |
clsx | Utility for constructing `className` strings conditionally. |
tailwind-merge | Merge Tailwind CSS classes without style conflicts. |
dayjs | Day utilities alternative to moment.js |
Dependencies | Description |
@types/** | Typescript types for other dependencies |
tailwindcss | utility-first CSS framework |
postcss | Post processor for tailwindcss |
postcss-import | It can import other css in css |
postcss-nesting | Nesting css processor |
@tailwindcss/nesting | It is use for nesting css (in postcss) |
prettier | Code formatter |
prettier-plugin-tailwindcss | Class sorting for tailwindcss (+ prettier) |
@trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports | Import sorting in specific order (+ prettier) |
eslint | Linting for javascript |
eslint-config-next | Predefine next.js configuration for eslint |
eslint-plugin-tailwindcss | Predefine tailwindcss configuration for eslint |