Folder Structure
Root Folder (/src/*)
Folder | Description |
/actions | Contains a server functions, which is called via client |
/app | This folder contains a list of all web pages included in this website |
/assets | It's contains css, images or other assets needed for the app |
/components | Containing all the common components, which use across entire app |
/contexts | It's contains major context provider, which use across entire app |
/database | To establish a database connection on the server, you may place your database connection (ORM) accordingly |
/helpers | Some utility functions, which are used by the entire app |
/hooks | This folder contains all the essential hooks |
/lib | It's contains cookies, routing, theme services (lib) |
/types | Included all the types is used in app |
App Directory (/src/app/*)
Folder | Description |
/(admin) | Admin pages are located here |
/auth | Auth pages directory |
/landing | Landing Page |
/layout.{tsx/jsx} | Entry point of Next.JS |
Admin - App Directory (/src/app/(admin)/*)
Folder | Description |
/(layout) | Containing layout components and helpers |
/apps | It's route for apps route |
/dashboards | It's route for dashboards route |
/pages | It's route for pages. it contains starter page for creating new page |
/ui | It's route for ui pages |
/layout.{tsx/jsx} | Layout for entire (admin)/* folder |
Root Folder (/src/*)
Folder | Description |
/api | Contains a functions, which is called for api requests |
/assets | It's contains css, images or other assets needed for the app |
/components | Containing all the common components, which use across entire app |
/contexts | It's contains major context provider, which use across entire app |
/database | To establish a database connection on the server, you may place your database connection (ORM) accordingly |
/helpers | Some utility functions, which are used by the entire app |
/hooks | This folder contains all the essential hooks |
/lib | It's contains routing, theme services (lib) |
/pages | This folder contains a list of all web pages included in this website |
/types | Included all the types is used in app |
Pages Folder (/src/pages/*)
Folder | Description |
/admin | Admin pages are located here |
/auth | Auth pages directory |
/landing | Landing Page |
Admin - Pages Folder (/src/pages/admin/*)
Folder | Description |
/(layout) | Containing layout components and helpers |
/apps | It's route for apps route |
/dashboards | It's route for dashboards route |
/pages | It's route for pages. it contains starter page for creating new page |
/ui | It's route for ui pages |
/layout.{tsx/jsx} | Layout for entire (admin)/* folder |